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Customer Type:
- Law Firm
- Divorce
Customer’s Request:
- Can you represent in one image 12 years of transactions made between the Husband, the Wife and the Family account?
- Can you provide evidence to support the fact that the Husband changed his behavior from a certain point in time to highlight the consequences?
Input Data:
- An Excel file containing 7,595 financial movements within 4 bank accounts.
- A report prepared by the Law Firm containing a description of what was already known to date
- 12 infographic representations
- 1 PowerPoint presentation
Delivery Time:
- Delivered within 20 days of validation of the database
- Subdivision of the 12 years into 3 separate periods of time
- A clear and easily understandable visualization of what happened during each period
- Less work for the Law Firm to prepare the Divorce claim
- Complex transactions became easy to read, even by laypersons
- Increase of the perceived value of the Law Firm’s outputs