The cash flow movements of an organization can be visualized from a complete and innovative new point of view: it’s is possible to graphically represent all the exchanges of financial means that happened within one large corporate within a certain period. NEED Understanding from the cash flow point of view…
Comments closedTag: Corporate
If you want to know more about this case study, please click here. Customer Type: Corporate Case: Cash Flow Analysis Customer’s Request: Can you show us all the cash flow movements within our group from a new point of view? Input Data: An Excel file containing one…
Comments closedWhere Investment Institutions, Banks and Equity Funds have invested or granted a loan the IDSys service enables them to easily monitor several targets. NEED Equity Participations and Lending activities require within the targets a continuous activity of:- Controlling over performances Monitoring of agreed KPIs and achievement of objectives Covenants respect…
Comments closedOur services are valuable to a broad range of customers from banks and investments companies to large corporations or charities. The combining of services allows us to personalise our services to meet the requirements of each individual customer. The following list illustrates how our services can provide solutions for specific…
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